Emballage cadeau
Vos produits seront emballés dans une pochette cadeau toute brillante toute mignonne.
Ma boutique En chemin pour mettre le patriarcat à la déroute
Print A6 (10x15cm) sur papier luxe texturé Rembrandt 300g/m2. Les produits sont expédiés dans les 10 jours qui suivent la commande. Je suis toute seule à assurer toute la logistique, merci pour votre patience ! Les cartes postales et impressions sont envoyées dans des enveloppes cartonnées ou épaisses pour garantir une réception sans mauvaises surprises. Les poster A3 sont envoyés dans des tubes triangulaires. Si toutefois un malheur arrivait, contactez moi via le formulaire de contact avec une description du problème, et des preuves photographiques de l’endommagement du colis. Acheter chez Olympe, ce n’est pas seulement s’offrir de l’art drôle, subversif et accessible, mais permet la production de contenus gratuits sur le compte Instagram @olympereve, alors MERCI <3
Ma boutique Existe-t-il des hommes féministes ? Mini édition
20 pages A6 - Papier Luxe Rembrandt couverture - Papier Classic gloss, couché brillant intérieur. Les produits sont expédiés dans les ❖❖10 jours❖❖ qui suivent la commande. Je suis toute seule à assurer toute la logistique, merci pour votre patience ! Les impressions sont envoyées dans des enveloppes cartonnées ou épaisses pour garantir une réception sans mauvaises surprises. Si toutefois un malheur arrivait, contactez moi via le formulaire de contact avec une description du problème, et des preuves photographiques de l’endommagement du colis. Acheter chez Olympe, ce n’est pas seulement s’offrir de l’art drôle, subversif et accessible, mais permet la production de contenus gratuits sur le compte Instagram @olympereve, alors MERCI <3
Ma boutique Tired feminist
Badge Products are shipped within ❖❖ 10 days❖❖ following the order. I'm on my own to handle all the logistics, thank you for your patience! Prints are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee reception without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€1,50 - €4,80
Ma boutique Feminists are watching you
A6 10 x 15 cm - blank spine - 350 g/m² Classic gloss paper - Glossy coated, 3D finish The products are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee receipt without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€4,50 €2,50
Ma boutique Fuck Capitalism
A6 10 x 15 cm - blank spine - 350 g/m² Classic gloss paper - Glossy coated, 3D finish The products are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee receipt without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€4,50 €2,50
Ma boutique Fuck the RN
Badge - Handcrafted at home, Made In South of France! Products are shipped within ❖❖ 10 days❖❖ following the order. I'm on my own to handle all the logistics, thank you for your patience! The prints are sent in cardboard boxes to guarantee reception without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€3,00 - €4,50
Ma boutique All Cats Are Beautiful - Gray
All Cats Are beautiful badge 5.8 cm or 3.2 cm - Handcrafted at home, Made in the South of France! Products are shipped within ❖❖ 10 days❖❖ following the order. I'm on my own to handle all the logistics, thank you for your patience! The prints are sent in cardboard boxes to guarantee reception without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€3,20 - €4,80
Ma boutique Gang of the unfrequented
A6 10 x 15 cm - blank spine - 350 g/m² Classic gloss paper - Glossy coated, 3D finish Products are shipped within ❖❖ 10 days❖❖ following the order. I'm on my own to handle all the logistics, thank you for your patience! Prints are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee reception without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€4,50 €2,50
Ma boutique Get in loser, we're going to Wokistan
A6 10 x 15 cm - blank spine - 350 g/m² Classic gloss paper - Glossy coated, 3D finish The products are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee receipt without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
Ma boutique Girls just want to end patriarchy
A6 10 x 15 cm - 300 g/m² on premium coated “orange peel” effect paper Products are shipped within ❖❖ 10 days❖❖ following the order. I'm on my own to handle all the logistics, thank you for your patience! Prints are sent in cardboard or thick envelopes to guarantee reception without unpleasant surprises. However, if something bad happens, contact me via the contact form with a description of the problem, and photographic evidence of the damage to the package. Buying from Olympe not only means treating yourself to funny, subversive and accessible art, but also allows the production of free content on the @olympereve Instagram account, so THANK YOU <3
€4,00 €2,50
Ma boutique Ici, on fait pipi assis
Petit cadre laiton doré avec inscription sur papier premium texturé Ici, on fait pipi assis, merci. 10x5cm Les produits sont expédiés dans les 10 jours qui suivent la commande. Je suis toute seule à assurer toute la logistique, merci pour votre patience ! Les cartes postales et impressions sont envoyées dans des enveloppes cartonnées ou épaisses pour garantir une réception sans mauvaises surprises. Les poster A3 sont envoyés dans des tubes triangulaires. Si toutefois un malheur arrivait, contactez moi via le formulaire de contact avec une description du problème, et des preuves photographiques de l’endommagement du colis. Acheter chez Olympe, ce n’est pas seulement s’offrir de l’art drôle, subversif et accessible, mais permet la production de contenus gratuits sur le compte Instagram @olympereve, alors MERCI <3